This Holiday Season A Village of Wings has partnered with Hospice of Michigan. We will provide 25 patients and their families with Holiday Basket of Love and Comfort.
With Hospice sometimes there is no set time in knowing when a loved one may transition, our hope is to provide these baskets so that patients and their families can open them together. We are aware that it may be a situation where that loved may pass prior to receiving the basket. A Village of Wings will still provide that family with a basket and a special item in remembrance of their family member.
There are multiple ways you can help this year.
November 2nd - November 30th
we ill be collecting physical donations and monetary donations for the baskets.
Purchase an item for the baskets at AMAZON with our Holiday Christmas List https://bit.ly/AVOWHoliday
** Some of the items include blankets, coloring books, grief support, encouragement books, etc.
December 5th, 2021, at 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
10 volunteers are needed to help make the baskets.
(Location will be announced by November 15, 2021)
Sign up to volunteer at – https://forms.gle/aQTQ7BXJq1P9BZKj8